Morgain Physical Therapy

Are you tired of back pain?

Do you feel like you are running out of options to continue to do the things you love? Are you worried about keeping your mobility and independence? Are you afraid that you won’t be able to lift your kids or grandkids, won’t be able to go on a family vacation, or won’t be able to sit for prolonged periods of time to watch your kids’ or grandkids’ game?  

Many people are nervous, skeptical, and frustrated with what might happen to them as they get older. Many have seen their parents and friends become less mobile and less independent. Many have seen friends and family go through surgery, be on medication for a long period of time, or receive injections to get them back to doing the things they love. Surgery, painkillers, and injections are rarely LONG-TERM solutions to the above problems that many of us face throughout our lives.  

More and more people want help NATURALLY so that they can avoid surgery, painkillers, and injections. Many people want to be able to do what they want, whenever they want, without being limited by pain or stiffness. At MORGAiN Physical Therapy, we help people make better decisions about their health so that they can heal NATURALLY and get LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS to their problems so that they can maintain their mobility and independence, lift their kids or grandkids, go on the family vacation without worrying about keeping up with the family as they walk the beach or go for a hike,  sit at their kids’ or grandkids’ sporting event, and enjoy their time with family and friends.  

One thing that we can never get back is TIME. If you value your TIME with your friends and family, then it is time to take action to create the life that you want today. The last time I checked, when someone was on their death bed, they didn’t say ‘I wish I would have worked more’. They typically say, ‘I wish I would have spent more time with my family’. ‘I wish I would have went on one more vacation’. ‘I wish I would have played catch one more time with my son or grandson’. Create the life you want OR continue to live the life you are today by regaining your mobility and independence! 

Back pain affects people in many different ways. I wanted to take some time to give you 5 tips on how to ease your back pain to get you back to doing the things you love.  

  1. Get up and walk for 2-3 minutes for every hour that you sit. 
  1. If you have to sit for a long car ride or for a long time at work, consider using a paper towel roll or throw pillow behind your back to support your low back.  
  1. Try 5-10 standing back bends every 2 hours you are awake to keep your back mobile throughout the day. 
  1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day 
  1. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night 

These are 5 common tips to help you ease your back pain. If you would like more tips like this, please visit our website at: or follow us on Facebook or Instagram. If you are tired of waiting for help and would like to book a free telephone consultation with one of our physical therapists to discuss how we may be able to help and if we are the right fit for you, please call us at 701-599-3848.  

We are looking at providing healthy habit tips each month to help you live the life you want without losing your mobility and independence, without relying on medication for the rest of your life, and without having to have surgery or injections. Stay tuned for more healthy habit tips next month.